Sour Diesel, a renowned sativa strain, is characterized by its unmistakable pungent aroma reminiscent of gasoline and skunk, earning it the affectionate nickname of “Sour D.” This strain’s bold scent is matched by its distinctive flavor profile, featuring pronounced gassy notes accompanied by earthy undertones and hints of zesty lemon. Beyond its sensory appeal, Sour Diesel is prized for its euphoric effects, making it a go-to choice for individuals seeking to uplift their moods and enhance their overall well-being. This energizing cultivar is cherished for its ability to inspire positivity and promote a sense of upliftment, making it a staple in the cannabis community.
Dabwoods is a lifestyle company dedicated to uplifting, inspiring and empowering the cannabis community. Our unique value proposition lies in creating high quality products with deep cultural relevance that acts as a catalyst for creativity amongst our customers. We are on a mission to cultivate and nurture an environment of positive energy by providing exceptional goods and services that help people unlock their potential – all while maintaining responsible consumption practices. Our vision is to become the leading lifestyle brand synonymous with empowerment, creativity, innovation, connection and health & wellbeing within the cannabis space.